Just as the first album begins with the voice of Komitas, the second album is no exception. In this track, you will hear a part of the song
"Mokats Mirza" performed by Komitas himself. At the beginning of the track, the great artist Narek Duryan, along with his son Ohane Dourian,
can be heard chatting about Komitas.
Sevan always says :
the world ought to learn his untold story, like a whispered secret carried on the winds of time...
Sevan Shahmirian
Farshad Shokuhfar
Tonmeister, programming, mixing & mastering engineer

"Every day when we wake up, we search for the interpretation of the dreams we saw in our sleep, and we spend the whole day searching
through our daydreams, which are like the images we see in our sleep. But truly, which should we believe?"
Second track from the second album of Sevan is "Dream,Reality".
Sevan Shahmirian
Music, lyrics and vocals
Farshad Shokuhfar
Tonmeister, programming, mixing & mastering engineer
03 - FEAR

When you face a problem in life and let a bit of doubt and fear creep in, it becomes extremely difficult to get rid of that fear. It stays and
manifests itself in different ways. What would you do in this situation? ​
Listen to "FEAR" and see how much you resonate with Sevan.
This track is the final piece from his second album that has been released.
Sevan Shahmirian
Music, lyrics and vocals
Farshad Shokuhfar
Tonmeister, programming, mixing & mastering engineer

For all of us, there have been moments when we've lost our trust and faith in the people in our lives. Even Sevan has experienced this
feeling during live performances in front of people who seemingly appeared to be listeners. Even those you trust as much as your own
eyes can sometimes shock you with betrayal, leaving you unable to believe it, as if it were a nightmare you had in your sleep.
In those tense, anxiety-filled moments, what decision do you make? Do you run away? Close your eyes? Or...
Discover the final option in the song "DISTRUST".​
Sevan Shahmirian
Music, lyrics and vocals
Farshad Shokuhfar
Tonmeister, programming, mixing & mastering engineer

This song portrays true stories from the lives of individuals who have lost significant aspects of what they hold dear. those losses may be
material, emotional, or even physical. The lyrics open with a story about Sevan's father. In this track, you can hear the voice of the
beloved and late Hollywood actor Robin Williams delivering a speech. The excerpt is taken from the movie "Jack".
Sevan Shahmirian
Music, lyrics and vocals
Farshad Shokuhfar
Tonmeister, programming, mixing & mastering engineer
06 - HARF

Sixth track from the second album "A Hope from Despair" released on June 14 2024. The track is titled "HARF". A piece in Persian
about the DOs and DON'Ts that have been imposed on us. "Harf" in Persian means "Thoughts" and the language of the track is
Persian too.
Sevan Shahmirian
Music, lyrics and vocals
Farshad Shokuhfar
Tonmeister, programming, mixing & mastering engineer

The third single track from the album "A Hope from Despair" will release on July 20 2024.
Imagine sitting in front of a mirror and someone from inside the mirror starts talking to you. They have seen all the secrets within your
personality and remember them, challenging your mind with you hidden self. How would you feel? Fear? Shock?
This song will place you in a similar situation.
Sevan Shahmirian
Music, lyrics and vocals
Farshad Shokuhfar
Tonmeister, programming, mixing & mastering engineer
08 - LOST

The First single track from the album "A Hope from Despair" released on May 04 2024.
Fear compelled him to delve into the depths of darkness, and his inner voice was the only one telling him "I must move,
I don't wanna kill my dreams."And in the end of the track, his music led him to summit "Stand up, the road is clear."
Sevan Shahmirian
Music, lyrics and vocals
Farshad Shokuhfar
Tonmeister, programming, mixing & mastering engineer

This is the first track by Sevan in Armenian.
The title of the piece can be translated as "And Sometimes". The lyrics are about the things that may not always go our way.
However, at the end of the lyrics, Sevan suggests that you should have faith in your heart and stay afloat on the turbulent waves until
you reach the shore of tranquility.
Sevan Shahmirian
Music, lyrics and vocals
Farshad Shokuhfar
Tonmeister, programming, mixing & mastering engineer